In this post I want to share certain intestinal details from the nerdy look of production-composition or whatever you want to call it. This is going to be a bit long, bear with me and fasten your seatbelts *sound of keys and engine starting:
1) The search for timbres seems essential to me. EarthQuaker Devices Data Corrupter is something like the typical magical sword that is stronger than the person holding it, controls itself and ends up destroying everything. But something happened that day, we reached an agreement. He was docile for about an hour.2) There are a lot of guitar tracks roughly spread out in the stereo landscape. From bee sounds, to tuned ones one octave lower than standard.3) The percussions are a mix between digital and organic. The 808 takes care of what it knows how to do and on top there are multiple bass drums and toms with very loose heads. The shakers and congas are essential to give a bit of containment to all the disorder of the strings. Thank you Óscar and Carmen Estudio for recording them.4) Could have used a fancier option, the e845 is one of my favorite mics. It runs clean, it runs dirty, and it’s “cheap”.5) All voices are overdriven. There is a main one; then an “out of tune” but very overacted (I have started to use this resource a lot and I really like the result); and finally a dubbing that sometimes harmonizes.6) I think that in this mix I made more emotional decisions than technical ones in favor of the flow of the composition. At first the song can feel a bit flat since the only thing that accompanies the voice is a consolidation of all the sounds passed through a digital room. The direct instruments fill the space while the lyrics thicken.7) I had never worked such a large session, but the density was necessary for the mass. I don’t recommend it that much.
If you made it this far, I love you. If you have questions or want to collaborate with me, let’s talk about everything. You can listen and see De 0 a 100 here